acerbity: sharp and forthright, especially about a style of speaking
attrition: the action of gradually reducing the strength something or someone through sustained attack or pressure
bromide: an unoriginal idea or remark, usually intended to soothe or make less angry
chauvinist: a person displaying aggressive or exaggerated patriotism
chronic: persisting for a long time or constantly recurring
expound: to present and explain (a theory or idea) systematically and in detail
factionalism: being self-interested; belonging to a faction (a group of people forming a minority in a larger body)
immaculate: perfectly clean, neat, or tidy
imprecation: a spoken curse
ineluctable: unable to be resisted or avoided
mercurial: subject to sudden or unpredictable changes of mood or mind
palliate: make less severe or unpleasant without removing the cause (usually about disease)
protocol: the official procedure or system of rules, usually governing affair of state
resplendent: attractive and impressive through being richly colorful
stigmatize: describe or regard as worthy of disgrace or disapproval
sub rosa: happening or done in secret
vainglory: excessive vanity
vestige: a trace of something that is disappearing or doesn't exist
volition: a choice or decision made by the will
- She got the prestigious accolade as a result of her two hundred hours of volunteer work.
- The book was acerbically written, the author just focused on the main points and avoided pointless detail.
- The soldiers used attrition and slowly but surely won over the fort.
- As the child whined about not getting the popular new toy, his dad used the bromide remark "life isn't fair".
- The chauvinist was known for his giant American flag in his front yard and his numerous patriotic bumper stickers.
- The woman's chronic illness persisted for years and years, and never went away despite how much doctors tried to palliate it.
- The economics professor expound the idea of supply and demand in a simple, straightforward powerpoint presentation.
- The Amish people practice factionalism, in that they are separate from the majority of society.
- The old lady's house was immaculate, everything was in place and there wasn't a speck of dirt to be seen.
- In Harry Potter saying Voldemort's name was an imprecation.
- Although he was on a diet, the chocolate cake was ineluctable so he had to eat a piece.
- The mercurial bride couldn't commit to one type of flower for her bouquet.
- The man was fired for not following protocol and giving his friends a discount on the product.
- She chose the most colorful flowers because she liked resplendent things.
- Mental illnesses are stigmatized, even though they are common.
- The surprise party was sub rosa, and the birthday girl was shocked when all of her close friends jumped out at her.
- The self-absorbed prom queen was known for her vainglory.
- As the fireworks faded from the sky, there was just a vestige of light left behind.
- When her great-grandfather passed away, she got her inheritance due to volition.
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