Thursday, April 3, 2014

Look at my Brain

The Adventures of Us Project started with the simple idea of living life to the fullest with the people we love. An idea that a lot of people share and want to act on so we decided to. We are a group of four girls challenging ourselves to do as many exciting, adventurous, and memorable things before we graduate high school. To track our progress we collaborate on a tumblr blog, or as we like to call it our "living scrapbook". Here we post pictures, quotes, videos, songs, and anything else we find inspiring, as well as documented moments of our own personal adventures. This project reflects our ability to put action behind our thoughts, not only did we create an idea but we created an online place where people can tangibly see what we are doing.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Love is Blind

Macbeth and Lady Macbeth don't have much interaction in ACT I, only a letter and a short conversation. However, in this little time the audience can see that Macbeth perceives Lady Macbeth different than the audience does. To the audience she goes off on long soliloquies, pronouncing her evil plans and vicious motives. Macbeth does not hear these, he instead is greeted by his wife who speaks more calmly about the murder. So still evil, but more toned down than in her soliloquies. The audience perceives Lady Macbeth as evil, while Macbeth shows nervousness and doubt, she does not.

What about my Masterpiece?

The Adventures of Us : Hannah, Meghan, Kylie, Taylor

Our tumblr blog is up and running! Follow us at We have an array of pictures posted from our past and current adventures, including hikes, dinner nights, beach days, and college visits. There are only two months left of school and our calendars are packed with plans to cram as much happiness and excitement in as we can! The helping element of our project will be implemented soon as well, we plan on doing a beach clean up and making sack lunches for the local homeless people. So please follow us, there is much more to come!