effusive: expressing feelings of gratitude in a heartfelt manner
impasse: a situation in which no progress is possible
euphoria: a state or feeling of intense excitement or happiness
lugubrious: looking or sounding sad; dismal
bravado: a show of boldness intended to impress or intimidate
consensus: general agreement
dichotomy: a division or contrast in two things that are entirely different
constrict: make narrower, especially by encircling pressure
gothic: belonging to the Dark Ages; portentously gloomy or horrifying
punctilio: a fine or petty point of conduct or procedure
metamorphosis: transformation, usually from an immature form to an adult form
raconteur: a person who tells anecdotes in a skillful or amusing way
sine qua non: something essential
quixotic: unrealistic and impractical
vendetta: any prolonged and bitter feud, contention, or the like
non sequitur: a conclusion or statement that does not logically follow the previous statement
mystique: a fascinating aura of mystery, awe and power surrounding someone or something
quagmire: a soft, boggy area of land that gives way underfoot
parlous: full of danger or uncertainty
- The apostate heatedly debated with the religious man about whether God existed.
- After the man pulled the girl out of the way of the oncoming car, she effusively thanked him for saving her life.
- The argument between the atheist and the minister quickly became an impasse, because nothing either could say would change the others mind.
- After the couple's beautiful wedding, they were both in an unbreakable euphoria.
- The little boy moped around lugubriously, after his mom told him his goldfish had died.
- The two teenage boys performed many bravados in an attempt to win over the pretty girl.
- After much debate, the family finally came to a consensus that they would have spaghetti for dinner.
- The dichotomy was obvious when the chihuahua and german shepard were sitting next to each other.
- The snake slowly constricted around its captor's arm, until it eventually cut off their circulation.
- Gothic literature consists of dark, ominous stories, such as Frankenstein.
- The woman always wiped of her shoes before entering the house, she had made a habit of the punctilio.
- At the high school reunion everyone was shocked, because the once nerdy boy had gone through a metamorphosis, and was now extremely handsome.
- I would consider my grandpa a raconteur, because he can make even the most foolish stories, interesting and meaningful.
- Halloween has a distinct mystique, you can always feel the mysterious mood.
- While playing a game of tag, the little boy stepping on a quagmire, tripped, and broke his arm.
- The dark trail on the foggy night was extremely parlous, because you didn't know what could be hiding around the corner.
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