Monday, August 19, 2013


  1. Adumbrate: to outline; or to foreshadow 
  2. Apotheosis: the elevation or exaltation of a person to the rank of a god
  3. Ascetic: a person who leads an simple life, abstains from the normal pleasures of life
  4. Bauble: a showy, usually cheap, ornament; trinket
  5. Beguile: to take away from by cheating or deceiving
  6. Burgeon: to grow or develop quickly; flourish
  7. Complement: something that completes or makes perfect
  8. Contumacious: stubbornly perverse or rebellious
  9. Curmudgeon: a bad-tempered, difficult person
  10. Didactic: inclined to teach or lecture others too much
  11. Disingenuous: lacking in sincerity
  12. Exculpate: to clear from a charge of guilt or fault
  13. Faux pas: a slip or blunder in etiquette, manner, or conduct
  14. Fulminate: to issue denunciations or the like
  15. Fustian: pompous or bombastic; as language
  16. Hauteur: arrogance
  17. Inhibit: to prohibit; forbid
  18. Jeremiad: a mournful complaint
  19. Opportunist: a person who adapts his actions to take advantage of opportunities
  20. Unconscionable: not in accordance with what is just or reasonable

Since Kingsolver always drew connections between the green mamba and Ruth May, it was somewhat easy to adumbrate her cause of death.

The scientist with much hauteur, granted himself apotheosis when he won the award, even though others thought he was arrogant and undeserving.

The waiter called me a curmudgeon, when I complained about the slow service and left a miniscule tip.

The girl was trying to convince her dad to let her attend her friend’s party, however he saw right through her disingenuous excuses about how she absolutely had to go and inhibited her from attending.

The opportunist took every chance he got to brighten others’ days, for example he told his friend that her blue shirt complemented her eyes.

The man was contumacious and, although no one wanted to listen to his long, didactic lecture, he continued.

The fustian poem was too cheesy and romanticized to even get its point across.

His unconscionable behavior cause him to get kicked out of the bar, but his loyal friends lied to the security guards and exculpated him.

The thief beguiled many baubles from the little shop, although they were worthless he was still thrilled with his crimes.

The rare life of an ascetic is characterized by much contemplation and the burgeoning of inner wisdom.

The contumacious man yelled back at the police officer and fulminated his higher authority when he was being issued a ticket.

The little boy spilled food on his lap at the prestigious dinner, his mother was embarrassed by his faux pas.

The upset mother wrote a jeremiad to the school’s principal when she discovered her son was being bullied.

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